PinnedAviv Ovadya‘Contextualization Engines’ can fight misinformation without censorshipSearch engines are nice. But we can do far better with modern AI.Apr 14, 20212Apr 14, 20212
Aviv OvadyaBuild Wise Systems: Combining Competence, Alignment, and RobustnessUnderstanding decision-making systems and what that means for governance, corporations, and technology creators.Jul 29, 20211Jul 29, 20211
Aviv OvadyaUnbundling Facebook—and the Oversight Board’s Decision on President Trump…How better understanding what Facebook *is* can help ensure the Oversight Board makes the right call—and how “Literacy Friction” can help.Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
Aviv OvadyaWhen we change the efficiency of knowledge operations, we change the shape of society.AI-augmented knowledge summarization, refactoring, & integration are about to transform the world. Again.Apr 2, 20212Apr 2, 20212
Aviv OvadyainOneZeroPlatforms Are Still Flying Blind When It Comes to Societal Impact — Better Metrics Could HelpMetrics are key to how product teams at tech companies functionJan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
Aviv OvadyaThe Path to Deepfake HarmHow, when, and why synthetic media is actually used to harmJul 30, 2020Jul 30, 2020
Aviv OvadyaHow to tackle misinformation on WhatsAppRumors on WhatsApp have led to mob violence. Here’s how to prevent them — without sacrificing privacy.Jun 27, 2020Jun 27, 2020
Aviv OvadyaMaking Sense of Deepfake MitigationsHow can we fortify our “Knowledge Pipeline” in the face of synthetic media?Feb 5, 2020Feb 5, 2020
Aviv OvadyaReducing malicious use of synthetic media researchConsiderations and potential release practices for machine learningJul 27, 2019Jul 27, 2019
Aviv OvadyaWhat does a world with automated social engineering look like?And how that should change the way we approach security and disclosure?Feb 14, 2019Feb 14, 2019